

When starting to feel some signs of RSI and after breaking my right hand I started looking into ergonomic keyboards. Now I use a Kinesis Advantageat work and a massdropped an ergodox keyboard kit for use at home. The assembly of the ergodox was fun, although I never used a soldering iron to that scale before.


Additionally to this I decided to switch from qwertz to neo-2. This was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Going from 80wpm to 0 is really ugly. After a while it got better, but still I am not at my old speed. Good thing is, that I can switch between neo on an ergonomic keyboard and qwertz on a regular keyboard.

At first I thought it would be great to have the programmability of the kinesis and the ergodox in place to support the neo layout. After some experimenting I arrived now at a solution, where the ergodox mimics the kinesis as far as possible, the rest is done by keyboard layouts in linux + some xkbcomp tricks.


I tried to build an ergodox stand from styrodur, but I would really love to get something 3d printed!

Better keycaps needed.