Zooomr Picasa Plugin

Unfortunately Zooomr does not exist anymore (at least since 2012 or longer).

Since Picasa for windows came out i missed it very much on OS-X. I even bought crossover .

Some times ago I tested all picture site (aka. flickr, ...) and somehow I ended up with an unlimited account at zooomr . I did not use it intensively, because there was no support for zooomr in picasa. You could use the fantastic JUploadr, but that was not a real picasa integration.

This christmas holiday (2010) I thought, is there not a convenient ruby api for zooomr? Is there not MacRuby which allows to write cocoa applications in ruby (and not in objective-c). Is there not some kind of plugin-api into picasa.

Let's try this.


As described the components are:


Put the app into the applications folder. (open -b com.flopcode.zooomr-ruby-uploader) should start the program).

Install the picasa button with this link.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

MacRuby and interface builder work amazing together. Somehow its fun to see how things work, that are not supposed to work together. The MacRuby (and of course also the RubyCocoac) Guys are doing a really great job.

I had only the problem, that the json parser (json_pure) did not work for me, which I think is to blame on the faulty regex implementation of MacRuby.

Another thing was to provide a progressbar for the file uploads, because the default net/http post does not support something in that department. The solution I came up with uses ugly monkey patching and global variables to get to the progress (and I had to patch two ruby core classes :().

In terms of working with ruby-gems inside of macruby and bundling of the application I still have to do a lot of research on how things work. Lets see if I will get to this.

One thing I still have to figure out is how to get progressindicators into a nstableview.

The sources are located in my private git repository at assembla.