

A new colleage at the office introduced us to the hobby of geocaching . Approximately at the same time, the first google dev phone got available. We both jumped onto the waggon and found the g1 to be a perfekt fit for paperless geocaching, with the one problem of no good geocaching application for the device.

Thats the story behind the cacher. The development got very busy towards the adc2 and we managed to get a comfortable app working.

Now the cacher has its own space at %a{:href=>""} and a solid userbase of 30 :-).


We tried to implement the cacher in the most android like way we knew. So it uses or has support for:

  • Contentprovider for the locally stored geocaches.
  • Support for live folders (mapped to the tags you add to the geocaches).
  • Support for the quicksearch functionality of android.
  • Integrates with the barcode application to provide a way of sharing geocaches or the cacher himself with friends.
  • Gallery for each geocache, that is stored in the normal android picture gallery.
  • Naturally lots of maps, compass and gps functionality.
The sources are located in my private svn repository which i access with git.